A drama adaptation of a popular comic written by Sekiya Tetsuji. After a year of working at a neighborhood Italian restaurant, Ban Shogo (Matsumoto Jun), an enthusiastic, cocky young college student from Fukuoka, comes to Tokyo to perfect his cooking skills as a chef in Italian cuisine. He discovers he has much to learn and has to continually prove himself to the very competitive, quick and efficient staff at the upscale Italian restaurant.
- Matsumoto Jun as Ban Shogo / Bambi / Bambino
- Karina as Hibino Asuka
- Sato Ryuta as Katori Nozomi
- Uchida Yuki as Shishido Miyuki
- Sasaki Kuranosuke as Kuwabara Atsushi
- Kitamura Kazuki as Yonamine Tsukasa
- Ichimura Masachika as Shishido Tekkan
- Hoshan (‚Ù‚Á‚µ‚á‚ñB) as Oda Toshio
- Mukai Osamu as Senoo Masashi
- Komatsu Ayaka as Minakawa Kozue
- Yamamoto Kei as Endo Susumu
- Fukiishi Kazue as Takahashi Eri
- Sasaki Takao (²X–Ø'—Y) as Nagai Hirokazu
- Sato Yusuke as Takanashi Hiroshi
- Asou Kousuke (–ƒ¶K—C) as Shibata Kenichiro
- Toda Keiko as Nogami Kyoko (eps. 5-7)
- Ikeuchi Hiroyuki as Hayama Yasuhide (ep. 7)
- Ep 01: Work is not that easy
- Ep 02: I don't want to lose
- Ep 03: Tears... Last day
- Ep 04: The path that must be taken
- Ep 05: What's that about love?
- Ep 06: Comrades
- Ep 07: What can I do for another person?
- Ep 08: Let me do something
- Ep 09: The door to becoming a chef!!
- Ep 10: Everyone is a Bambino!
- Ep 11: Trattoria Baccanale
that I love this dorama...the cast is great the storyline is great... everything is great...
After watching SBS kdrama, ONLY YOU, w/c is also a story about Cha Eun-jae, a wannabe chef, specialized also in Italian Cuisine and also loves to cook pasta. After watching that drama, I became interested in cooking and dreamed to be a CHEF... but as I watched BAMBINO... "OMG! I don't wanna be a CHEF anymore! I'll be just a waitress that's fine with me..." toink~ hahaha but still I want to cook Italian food... specially pasta~
I discovered some new CRUSHES XD [wahahahaaa]... they are Masashi-kun [Osamu Makui] and Shibata-kun [Asou Kousuke]... but i like Masashi more... but nothing will change my love for MatsuJun... ok? understood?!?
anyway... while watching this dorama I've been screaming and talking at the tv [myself~].... jumping like an idiot everytime MatsuJun fails or something bad happen to him... I've learned so many things in this dorama... and made me realize some sort of things...
The song "We Can Make It!" by ARASHI... I first heard it at Music Station... my whoole life was down that time... and I really dont know what to do, as my weekly habit, I watched MUSIC STATION... and ARASHI sang "We Can Make It!"... actually I nearly cry... that's why I love this song ^ ^
I also learned some Italian words like GRAZIE, BENE!!!! XD
About the Cast... I love the cast... the cast is great! Love It! I love Yonamine's [Kitamura Kazuki] smile... Then Miyuki [Uchida Yuki], I envy her she's so beautiful.. Katori [Sato Ryuta] I find him attractive speicially when he wears his bandana... and ofcourse Masashi-kun... hahahaha Love him! and Shibata whaaha he is sooooo KAWAII!!! Still MatsuJun is LOVE!!! specially when he do some exaggerating things... and the MatsuJun Smile... hahaha LOVE IT!!
i wasted tears in the last episode.. When Masashi cried when Katori is leaving I nearly cry but when Bambi is crying tears fell from eyes... I really can't help it...
Opening of Bambino
Labels: jdorama, jun matsumoto
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